It is my ultimate guide to iCloud account removal and bypass guide. I will share the exact method all online account removal services provide and how you can do it without any issues. There are many resources online related to iCloud activation lock that are not up-to-date or misguiding so I thought to write a […]
Continue readingApple recently announced iOS 11 beta 1 at 2017 at Worldwide Developers Conference on 5th June 2017. The beta version is not currently available to the mainstream users. Only the individuals registered in Apple Developer Program enjoy the distinguished liberty to get their hands on this recent update. But don’t worry, there is still a […]
Continue readingJailbreaking your iPhone is exciting and maybe sometimes problematic at the same time. Interesting because it lets you explore a lot and install Cydia tweaks to customize the user experience, but it gets problematic when you face errors. Well, it’s not as bad as it sounds since problems always come with their solutions. One of […]
Continue readingThe step-by-step guide will help you create an Apple ID without a credit card. So, you have finally switched to iOS or bought a new iPhone? Before you can download any app from App store, you’ll have to have an Apple ID user and pass. I have noticed that the majority of iOS users are stuck […]
Continue readingWe are living in social media age, where everyone is busy in taking selfies and uploading to their social profile. Instagram is a place where you or your friends shares photos and videos. You’ll often come across different videos that you would like to download to your Smartphone to watch it later. By default instagram app […]
Continue readingFollow the step-by-step instructions and video tutorial shows how you can easily install Gameboy Adv emulator on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch without Jailbreak on iOS 9.3, 9.3.1, 9.3.2 and iOS 10. Big fan of Gameboy advance but couldn’t install any of your favorite GBA titles? Well not anymore, as today I’m going to guide […]
Continue readingYou can now easily download TinyUmbrella for Windows and Mac OSX using the links given below. The Firmware umbrella, also known as TinyUmbrella, is one of the most popular SHSH blobs saving tools for the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. It is developed and maintained by the famous iPhone developer, semaphore, who has done so […]
Continue readingRecently, there was a lot of discussions related “Error 53” which has bricked a number of devices including the iPhone 6s, 6 Plus and 6. The error occurred on devices that have gone under third-party home button repairs. Apple named it as a security measure, but online communities did not appreciate the move by Apple, […]
Continue readingiTunes error 3194 is one of the most common error most of the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users get while restoring or downgrading iOS firmware using iTunes. Many iOS users have been experiencing the same error, and there are lots of discussion going on many iPhone forums on how to fix it. I can […]
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