How to Install TweakBox on iPhone/ iPad Without Jailbreak
The step-by-step procedure will guide you how to install TweakBox app on your iPhone, iPad without Jailbreaking your iOS device.
Tweak means to bring change or tune something. The iOS TweakBox app does the same as it unfolds for you several other paid Apple apps and lets you use it for free. It provides you free access to the tweaked apps that you have to pay for on the app store.
In simple words, you can use the expensive iOS apps for free if you install Tweakbox on your iOS but the problem is, most similar apps need Jailbreak access on your iOS device and being honest, most users hate it because of its complicated process and warranty void issue. But you don’t have to worry as I have found an easy way to install it without jailbreaking.
How to Install Tweakbox on iPhone iOS 10.2
Here are the step-by-step Tweakbox installation instructions. Trust me, it is as simple as downloading any app on your phone, so I advise not to complicate things by opting for jailbreaking.
1. Go to the TweakBox App Website
First of all, go to on your non-jailbroken phone and navigate to the top of the window and hit the option “Get the App.” This will download the app on your phone.
2. Install the App
Once downloaded, you need to install the app. When you hit “install now” button, it automatically starts downloading and then takes you to the “Install Profile” page. At the top right corner, you will find the “Install” button on that page. Hit it.
3. Enter Passcode
Once you hit “Install,” it asks you for a passcode. Enter the one you use to open the device as it is compulsory. If you enter a wrong passcode, installation process won’t begin. Once entered, you have to hit the “Install” button again and then wait.
4. Leave the Window
When you hit the “Install” button again, the installation begins. Wait for a few minutes click on “Done” when installation is over. Then, you may leave the profile installed window. This way you will find yourself back on the Tweakbox website.
5. Scroll Down to the Home Screen
Exit out and search for the Tweakbox app on your iPhone’s home screen. The app should have been installed successfully.
6. Enjoy TweakBox on your iPhone
Since you have already authenticated the app with the correct passcode while installing and you have also installed the profile associated with the device, you can instantly use it as it has already been trusted.
That’s it! The Tweakbox is now successfully installed on your iPhone. The app is compatible with all iOS versions up to the newest 10.0.2. It equally supports other devices including iPad and iPod Touch, so that’s not a worry.
Don’t forget to share your experience with us in the comment section after installing TweakBox.